Welcome to St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23222
Join us on April 28th for a special family-friendly service in the parish hall. This will have a more relaxed atmosphere than our usual worship, with children serving as ushers, readers, and acolytes. Children will also help Dale compose the sermon in real time and take up the loose offering, all of which will be donated to the Children’s Ministry—so don’t forget your cash and/or checkbook! Creation care will be the worship theme, reflected in our music, readings, and prayers. (Listen for a Peter, Paul, & Mary tune, as well as a song from Godspell.) Following the service, a hands-on activity will allow participants of all ages to engage with God’s creation.
Note: The 8:30 service on the 28th will follow Rite II with the day’s lectionary readings.