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Advent and Christmas at St. Thomas' (2).png

Sunday, December 1st

10:30 am - Advent Lessons & Carols

This liturgy aims to recapture that Advent longing and hope. It begins in darkness with the Advent Responsory, in which Christ's coming is announced. The Blessing of Light follows, and, as the Service unfolds, the cathedral is transformed from darkness to light.  The scripture readings come in pairs. An Old Testament reading speaks of God’s promise. A New Testament reading proclaims how the promise is being fulfilled in Christ. And each pair is accented by a musical response that heightens our expectation and invites our trust in the coming of Christ as Judge and Redeemer.  (St. James Music Press)


Tuesday, December 3rd

6:00 pm - Advent Fest!

Join us for our favorite Advent activities. All ages are welcome! Activities include graham cracker nativities, advent wreaths, and decorating the Crismon tree. 

Saturday, December 7th

7:00 pm - The Mary Whittle Concert Series presents The Belle of Amherst, starring Susan King

Please join us for the second performanec in our Mary Whittle Concert Series, The Belle of Amherst. In this special, one-hour version of the play, we meet Emily Dickinson, the fascinating New England poet played by Susan King. Playwright William Luce has woven together dramatically workable poems, letters, lines and phrases of Dickinson’s in a conversational style that is both humorous and deeply moving. The Belle of Amherst is a love affair with language, a celebration of all that is beautiful and poignant in life. Tickets are $20 per person. 

Read more about the Mary Whittle Concert Series here

Sunday, December 8th

2:30 pm - Youth Group Fellowship: Christmas movie, coloring, and snacks

5:30 pm - Taize Holy Eucharist and Sound Bath

On December 8th, following the 5:30 P.M. Taize service, Jim Morgan will share his collection of singing bowls in an unique sound experience, created for meditation and relaxation. A "sound bath" is a meditative experience using sound waves produced by singing bowls, chimes, percussion, and other instruments. Using frequency and vibration, the listener is invited to simply be present (seated or reclined), focus on breath, and clear one's mind. It is an invitation to discover our deeper self and connect with the divine.

Tuesdays,  December 10th & 17th

5:30 pm - Advent Potluck Dinner Series

Join us for evening prayer in the sanctuary, followed by a parish potluck and Advent programming for youth and adults. Nursery is available. Discussion topics TBA.

Sunday,  December 15th

5:30 pm - Blue Christmas Service

St. Thomas' recognizes that the holidays are sometimes "blue" or filled with difficult feelings for those struggling with painful life events such as death, illness, poverty, or addiction. This service will provide an opportunity for an expression of grief and pain as well as a focus on the promise of hope and healing. By coming together to honor these challenges, we hope to help those who struggle to find joy during this festive season to feel less isolated. You are not alone, and you are loved. All are welcome.

Sunday,  December 22nd

9:30 am - Youth Group Sneaky Santa Gift Exchange Party

Middle and high school youth are invited to join us for this fun holiday tradition. Bring a small, silly, inexpensive (WRAPPED) gift and enjoy holiday snacks.

​Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24th

10:30 am - Christmas Pageant
7:30 pm - Holy Eucharist

10:30 pm - Candlelight Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25th

9:30 am - Potluck Breakfast

10:30 am  - Christmas Holy Eucharist

​The First Sunday after Christmas

Sunday, December 29th

10:30 am - Christmas Lessons & Carols

Please note that there is no nursery care available at the 7:30 pm or 10:30 pm services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged in worship!

The nursery will be available for the 10:30 am Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve. 

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