Welcome to St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23222
Children are a vital part of life at St. Thomas. Bringing children into church is like inviting them to eat at the dinner table. Even when their manners are less than polished, we hope they will eventually become comfortable participating. In the meantime, we welcome them and feel they play an integral part in our community.
During the traditional school year, St. Thomas offers Sunday School for Children at 9:30 am upstairs in the Sunday School Classrooms. Children can also look forward to the activities throughout the year at St. Thomas, such as the Alleluia Egg Hunt, Parish Retreat to Shrine Mont, Advent Adventure, and Lenten Activities.
During Worship
We welcome infants and children of any age to remain with their family during the entire worship service. There are children's activities and crayons available from the usher. If your child needs to leave the service for any reason, we ask that they be escorted by an adult.
Children & Communion
The Episcopal Church encourages full participation in our liturgy, and children of all ages are welcome to communion.
We offer a staffed nursery during our 10:30 am Sunday morning worship service. It is located upstairs and is offered for infants and toddlers ages 0 to 5 years old. Parents must sign their child in and out.
Acolyte - 3rd Grade and older
Children can help lead worship by assisting as acolytes. If your child is interested in becoming an Acolyte, please talk to Katie Cosby.
If you have questions about children's ministry at St. Thomas, contact Katie Cosby at kcosby@stthomasrichmond.org.