Welcome to St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23222

We're looking forward to welcoming Bishop Gayle Harris, who will be visiting St. Thomas on
Sunday, September 17th. While here, the Bishop will be celebrating at our Sunday morning service, at which time she will offer the rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation. We're currently forming adult and youth confirmation classes now in advance of the Bishop's visit in September.
Whether you're interested in adult or youth confirmation classes, please email Katie Cosby letting her know of your interest. Confirmation classes will be as follows:
Sunday, August 27th -12-2 pm
Sunday, September 3rd -12-2 pm
Saturday, September 9th - 10 am-3 pm (sponsors should plan to join from 1-3)
Sunday, September 17th- Bishop's visit and confirmation
*Lunch will be provided for all classes
Confirmation is for people who were either baptized as children or who are coming to the Episcopal Church from another tradition. Confirmation is preceded by a period of instruction and inquiry. In this rite, a person makes a mature affirmation of the promises made by their parents and godparents at baptism, and joins the fellowship of Christians who worship and serve in the Anglican tradition.
Reception is for those who have already been confirmed in another denomination and wish to affirm their choice to continue their spiritual journey as an Episcopalian.
Some who are already confirmed Episcopalians may wish to be “reaffirmed” by the bishop when she visits St. Thomas'. Often this will occur after a period of study, reflection and prayer. It may take place as a result of having accompanied a teenage child, a spouse, or other loved one during their own preparation for confirmation.